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10 Questions to Help You in Your IT Hiring Process

July 16, 2024 by Blair Technology Solutions Inc.

10 Questions to Help You in Your IT Hiring Process

Blair’s Advice

The 8th edition of IT Trends revealed that 72% of Canadian companies use temporary IT resources, a statistic that speaks volumes about the need for resources placement. The lack of available IT resources (28%) and occasional or temporary mandates (22%) are the two main reasons for this phenomenon. This underscores the need for companies to adopt effective strategies for temporary IT resources.

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IT Resources Placement to Overcome the Shortage of Qualified IT Personnel

When a company lacks in-house IT workforce, IT resource placement presents itself as a strategic solution, enabling it to overcome this challenge while adapting its workforce to the fluctuation of its IT projects.

A company using temporary IT resources has the flexibility to request the assistance of an IT specialist for a specific project.

Temporary IT resources enable companies to stay competitive and innovate by:

  • Filling the immediate resource gap effectively
  • Adapting in real time to changing business objectives
  • Providing advanced expertise on missing skills

Identifying a Lack of IT Workforce for Better Growth

To keep pace with their growth and meet their customers' expectations, companies have a clear interest in precisely defining their needs in terms of technological skills.

Identifying IT resources requirements involves a few steps:

  • Analysis of current needs
  • Forecasting future needs
  • Review of current and future projects

This process will enable you to align the necessary skills with the company's strategic objectives.

Analysis of Current Needs

First, a company needs to carry out a thorough assessment of its current in-house capabilities. This requires an audit of current IT projects and the skills available within the existing IT teams.

What projects are we currently working on? What skills do my employees already master? What skills are missing and can be reinforced? Do I need to strengthen my employees' skills with training or temporary resource(s)?

The aim is to understand not only where skills are lacking, but also how these gaps affect operational performance and the achievement of the company's strategic objectives.

These questions will also help you decide on one of the two options available to you:

  • Training
  • Hiring temporary IT staff

Discover best practices to integrate temporary IT resources into your team!

Read our Article

A company looking for temporary IT resources should also consider the impact of technology on its current and future operations. If, for example, you're one of the 25% of Canadian companies looking to invest in artificial intelligence over the next two years, ask yourself the following question:

Does my company have the appropriate skills to manage and integrate new emerging technologies? Can my employees take on extra workloads? Can I automate some of my processes to boost my teams' productivity?

Forecasting Future Needs

IT resource planning must not only meet current requirements, but also anticipate future needs. Technologies are constantly evolving, and what you put in place today may become obsolete tomorrow.

A company should monitor technological developments and regularly reassess IT skills plans to stay ahead of innovation.

Furthermore, it is essential to consider growth as a driver for additional IT recruitment. If an employee's workload is exceeded by 20%, the employer must create an action plan to integrate new resources into the business.

Placing temporary resources is a strategic solution to bridge the gap until a permanent resource can be integrated into the team.

Can my current technologies be modernized? What emerging technologies will help me improve my operational efficiency? Do these modernization investments require temporary additional expertise? Is my company growing steadily enough to consider hiring more staff? Are my employees overworked? Would hiring additional staff alleviate my team's work overload?

Collaboration with IT resources placement partners like Blair can play a crucial role. Our consultants can advise you on emerging skills and on high demand market areas. Moreover, our large pool of candidates enables us to be responsive and flexible in rapidly adjusting your workforce for temporary IT tasks.

In Summary

Identifying IT resources needs by analyzing current skills and forecasting future technological requirements is essential for business development and competitiveness.

By assessing your current and future projects and collaborating with competent IT placement partners, you can not only fill existing gaps but also proactively adapt to emerging technological requirements.

This not only ensures that you remain competitive, but also stimulates continuous innovation within your organization.

The 10 essential questions to ask yourself:

  1. What projects are we currently working on?
  2. What skills do my employees already have? 
  3. What skills are lacking and can be reinforced?
  4. Do I need to strengthen my employees' skills with training or temporary resource(s)?
  5. Does my company have the skills to manage and integrate new emerging technologies?
  6. Can my employees take on extra workloads? 
  7. Can I automate some of my processes to improve team productivity? 
  8. Is my company growing steadily enough to consider hiring more staff? 
  9. Are my employees overworked?
  10. Would hiring additional staff alleviate my team's work overload?

"The availability of a competent team is essential to ensure the performance of your operations. At NOVIPRO, as an IT firm established 30 years ago, we understand the unique challenges you face. Our team of specialists strives to provide you with expert temporary resources that fit seamlessly into your team. Our 'Satisfied or No Fees' commitment is a testament to our confidence in the quality of our service and our dedication to your success."
− Mélanie Gilbert, Talent Acquisition Director, NOVIPRO (Blair Technology Solutions' sister company)

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