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How Mainframe and Cloud Coexist for Better Cybersecurity

Information is the lifeblood of any organization. The way they store, use and safeguard it keeps evolving. Yet even as organizations accelerate the migration of information to the cloud, another type of technology is seeing a resurgence: the mainframe.

Mainframes are high-performance computers, able to process massive amounts of data at high speeds. These are central data repositories, considered on-premises (or on-prem) as local software is installed and runs in an organization’s own information technology (IT) environment.

Developed in the 1950s, mainframes might seem old school. Yet they’re used by more than 70 per cent of Fortune 500 companies, and today work in tandem with cloud technology.

“The mainframe is one of the most advanced technology platforms on the market today,” says Éric Cothenet, Pre-sales Infrastructure Solutions designer at NOVIPRO (Blair's sister company).

Blair Technology Solutions and NOVIPRO aim to help businesses make strategic IT investments. Mr. Cothenet says on-prem environments continue to play a role, even as the cloud offers more agility and scalability, and the promise of easier collaboration inside and outside the business.

Cloud and mainframe solutions can work together, with a hybrid approach offering optimal strength and security. To succeed, it’s prudent for businesses to work with experts like OVHcloud, one of Blair’s significant partners. That can help to ensure the best use of IT resources.

The mainframe’s popularity comes from its ability to process vast amounts of information quickly and effectively, and also its unmatched security measures – a sought-after feature in today’s world of data breaches.

Mainframes have unique security features that don’t exist on any other system. They’re made up of many central processing units that all store their own data. Should a breach occur, the data theft would be contained.

“There’s also encryption at many levels. So even if someone does get the information, they won’t be able to read it without the key,” says Cothenet.

The key is in what’s called a hardware security manager. If an unauthorized person tries to access it, it’s automatically destroyed.

Mainframe technology remains advanced

While mainframes carry significant benefits for large companies, a perception remains that these computers are from a bygone era. The opposite is true; this technology isn’t only advanced by today’s standards, it’s preparing for tomorrow.

Mr. Cothenet explains that many businesses worry that the encryption keys created by regular computers can be hacked in seconds by the more advanced quantum computer. Such computers leverage quantum physics to process information at speeds that were previously impossible.

However, mainframes are already designed with an encryption key that he says is “quantum safe” and uncrackable.

“Despite what people may think, the mainframe isn’t old at all,” says Mr. Cothenet. “It has evolved, and now you have huge advancements in technology happening on the mainframe that don’t exist on any other platform.”

For all its security and speed, the mainframe is still a computer the size of a fridge with its data stored inside. That has called for a modern upgrade to allow for scalability. With what’s known as hybrid architecture, the mainframe can now work alongside cloud computing and open source software.

OVHcloud offers a solution through its containers – portable, lightweight units that store cloud applications and can work in conjunction with mainframes. This gives organizations the best of both technologies.

“Part of the strength of cloud is scalability, and I’m not sure that mainframes have that flexibility,” says Christopher Reynolds, partner and Corporate Account manager at OVHcloud.

Place a premium on security

Organizations need to be mindful when trying to achieve optimal security in both environments. Cloud providers may be able to give clients solid infrastructure and software, but security isn’t a given.

“We’ll offer you operating systems, but we’re not going to look at any of that data that’s coming into our environment or look at how any of the applications are working,” says Mr. Reynolds. “That’s the responsibility of the business or organization.”

To protect these hybrid environments, Blair Technology Solutions has designed Symphoni, a turnkey solution combining cloud and cybersecurity.

Clients benefit not only from a robust cloud infrastructure, but also from management tools, extensive compliance and security services, and optimization solutions, all of which maximize the efficiency of an IT environment.

“What Blair has with Symphoni is a consolidated view of the entire infrastructure, whether it’s in the cloud or on-premises,” says Mr. Reynolds. “They’re bringing it all together under the managed services structure and can have a view of the whole thing.”

All of this levelled-up security ensures that data is safe, and enables businesses to comply with new and pending privacy legislation, such as Law 25 in Quebec and the federal Bill C-27, which will enact the Consumer Privacy Protection Act.

“Many companies have a limited understanding of expectations versus real needs,” says Steve Small, director of Sales at Blair Technology Solutions. “They typically underestimate the impact and human investment required to comply.”

Finding the talent needed to run both mainframe and cloud computing can be challenging. So it’s vital to turn to the right resources.

“Most of the IT people that have experience on the mainframe are retired, or they all have white hair,” says Mr. Cothenet. “It does take expertise that’s very specialized. That’s where Blair and NOVIPRO come in, because this is what we do.”

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